John Batdorf
Old Man Dreamin' - Released June 11 2009
Old Man Dreamin' :
What D'Ya Got
Love: All I Really Know About It
That Don't Seem Right To Me
I Fall To Pieces
Will I Love You Forever
Old Man Dreamin'
I Thought I'd Try A Love Song
Ain't No Way
Don't Tell Me Goodbye
I Will Rise
Love: All I Really Know About It
That Don't Seem Right To Me
I Fall To Pieces
Will I Love You Forever
Old Man Dreamin'
I Thought I'd Try A Love Song
Ain't No Way
Don't Tell Me Goodbye
I Will Rise
John Batdorf has once again hit the mark with this Album called 'Old Man Dreamin' ! John Batdorf is one of those remarkable few who pens a song and leaves you thinking he wrote it just for you. No small feat! Not only has he met his unusually high standard in music, but in my opinion has surpassed it with this Album.
He has a finger on the "pulse" of what is happening all around us these days. He brings our focus back to family , loved ones and what is "Real".
From toe tappin Accoustic rock influenced tracks to the ballads , it all seems effortless to this astounding musician. He has allowed us to enter his world and his thoughts for just a moment in time. The surprizing thing about that is that you will think he entered yours.
Each track on the "Old Man Dreamin' " Album can stand alone. The quality of songwriting, vocals and arrangement far exceeds any expectations we may have had.
John has done many things in his career that would surprize you. This humble and truely gifted Artist has made us proud to be loyal fans.
There are so many tracks on this Album that "touched" me , I am hard pressed to single any out. Having said that, The three that stood out most for me were What D'Ya Got , That Don't Seem Right to Me , and Old Man Dreamin' . I Will Rise following so close there is no shadow created!
What D'Ya Got - An edgy, catchy song, that speaks about keeping your head above the water. In these trying times with bills to pay, the latest fads to keep up with and just getting by.. John reminds us all we are not alone. This is an excellent example of what John does best. This track will have you singing along and tapping your feet. But most important is the message in the lyrics. As bad as it can get.. “You Got Me”.
That Don't Seem Right To Me - John's ability to capture the moment and everything that is happening around us, shines through this piece. With the economic situation as it stands in the world, he has brought home what many of us are thinking. It put me in mind of the great songs of the 70's which brought about an awareness and change. I know , call me a yuppy. He sings about the average man, his struggle to keep it together during this disaster. Bankers and Governments and stock markets caused this crisis, but it is the people who struggle. It is well written, outstanding guitar work and has a flow that will have you Rockin along! Harmonies are fantastic. This is a MUST HAVE!
Old Man Dreamin' – The title track of this Fantastic CD. A Bluesy – Rock mix that defies you to sit still. John's voice is captivating. He speaks of being in this music business from a young age , following his dreams of “Making it” till now as a middle aged man.The changes that have taken place in this industry. His dreams , his Vision. And the realization that his fans love him always. We are here for the long Haul. One might ask is it better to have that flash hit, then fizzle or is it much better to be a constant performer delivering quality music over the long period.
I have chosen only three tracks off this CD to single out. In fact, each and every track deserves to be singled out. The love songs are expertly written and delivered. The instrumentation achieved is monumental. The back up harmonies are exemplary. Old Man Dreamin' has got to be one the best Albums I have heard .... well since John's last one.
You can purchase this Album at www.johnbatdorfmusic.com You can also hear other Albums John has released. John, in my opinion, is the worlds best kept secret. Grab the CD, send friends over to hear him.
On a Personal note, I would like to thank Mother Hen Promotions for giving me the gift of John Batdorf's music years ago. It is a heads up that has given me enjoyment ever since.
Wendy Shashona McCall
Indie Showcase
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